Meiziya Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The name was given by the Party of Regional Geological Survey, Shaanxi Bureau of Geology in 1965. It was published by the Shaanxi Compiling Group of Regional Stratigraphical Scale in 1983. The type section is at Meiziya in southern Zhuxi County, Hubei Province.
Synonym: (梅子垭组)
Lithology and Thickness
The formation, 450 m in thickness, consists of dark gray, gray green, grayish yellow pelitic slate, sandy slate intercalated with thin-bedded limestone, occasionally with carbonaceous slate as well.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The Meiziya Fm rests conformably in between the underlying Daguiping Fm.
Upper contact
The Meiziya Fm rests conformably in between the overlying Zhuxi Gr
Regional extent
At north of Daguiping, its base is intercalated with tuffaceous sandstone; extending eastwards to the border area of Shaanxi and Hubei provinces its lower part is represented by trachyte volcanic rock. The thickness increases from west to east: 450-1850 m thick from Xiaociba to Lanhekou, and about 1929-2420 m thick at east of Daguiping.
It yields graptolite, low abundant of corals and brachiopods. The main graptolite zones include the Spirograptus turriculatus zone, the Monograptus crispus zone, the Monoclimacis griestoniensis zone and the Oktavites spiralis zone; Anthozoa Favosites nanshanensis, Halysites elongatus; brachiopods Nalivkinia kweichouensis, Striispirifer sp.; trilobite Encrinuroides sp., etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information